The morning sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling dining room of the Malhotra mansion in Mumbai. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the tantalizing scent of buttered toast and warm parathas, creating an inviting atmosphere.

Around the grand mahogany table, the Malhotra family gathered for their customary breakfast, a daily ritual that blended familial warmth with the business acumen that defined their lives.

Sarita Malhotra, fondly referred to as Dadi, filled the silence with her warm smile as she glanced lovingly at her eldest grandson, Aryan. Her eyes held a mixture of affection and concern, knowing well the weight of familial expectations and the passage of time.

"Aryan beta," she began, her voice gentle yet laced with maternal insistence, "have you given any thought to settling down? You’re turning thirty soon, and it’s high time we start thinking about your future."

Aryan, typically composed and focused on his breakfast, paused mid-bite as he looked up to meet Dadi's gaze. He put down his spoon, a hint of contemplation in his expression. "Dadi, I understand," he replied, his tone measured. "But I don't think I'm ready for marriage right now."

Sarita's smile softened, though her concern lingered. "Aryan, beta," she said gently, "marriage is not just about readiness. It's about companionship, building a future together..."

Rohan, always quick to lighten the mood, interjected with a grin, "And ensuring Dadi has great-grandchildren soon!"

Just then, Arjun Malhotra, the second son of Sarita and Rajendra, and father of Rohan and Rehaan, said sternly, "Rohan."

Meera, Arjun's wife who was seated beside Rohan, nudged his shoulder and added, "Tu chup kar." (You shut up)

Karan, nudged him playfully, but his eyes held a hint of agreement with their grandmother's sentiment.

Rehaan, engrossed in his laptop at the far end of the table, chimed in, "Maybe Aryan bhai just needs more time to find the right person."

Aryan nodded thoughtfully, appreciating his brothers' support. "Exactly, Rehaan," he replied, looking back at Dadi with sincerity. "I want to focus on my career and build a strong foundation before I think about marriage also things have been quite busy at the office lately"

Vikram Malhotra, the Elder Son of Sarita and Rajendra and father of Aryan ans Karan nodded in agreement from his seat beside Anjali, his wife. "Busy indeed," he chimed in, his tone carrying a hint of paternal encouragement. "But your personal life is just as important, Aryan."

Anjali Malhotra, ever the supportive mother, interjected with a reassuring smile. "Your father is right, beta. We want to see you happy, settled, with someone who understands and supports you."

Rohan who sat across from Aryan, exchanged knowing glances. Rohan, always quick-witted, teased gently, "Come on, Aryan bhai. Dadi is right. Thirty is approaching fast, and you're still single."

Karan, the more reserved added with a calm demeanor, "Perhaps it's time to start thinking about what you want for your future, beyond the boardroom."

Just then, two voices intertwined from the background, chiming in unison, "We want Bhabhi!"

The entire family turned to see Manisha, Aryan and Karan's younger sister, and Tanisha, Rohan and Rehaan's younger sister, standing at the entrance with mischievous grins on their faces. Their enthusiasm added a light-hearted touch to the conversation, making everyone chuckle.

Rajendra Malhotra, the patriarch of the family and fondly called Dadu, looked up from his newspaper and said with a chuckle, "Looks like your sisters are on Dadi's side, Aryan. Perhaps it's time to listen to them."

Aryan smiled at his sisters' playful demand. "Alright, alright," he said, shaking his head with a laugh. "I'll think about it, I promise."

After a moment, Aryan turned to his brothers and said, "We need to go, guys. Hurry up."

The brothers exchanged quick glances and nodded, each of them finishing their breakfast with newfound urgency.

"Bhai, we need to eat," Karan and Rehaan said almost in unison, a hint of protest in their voices as they looked at their unfinished plates.

Aryan glared at them, about to retort, when Sarita interjected gently, "Let them eat, Aryan."

He sighed, relenting. "Okay, I'll give you ten minutes. Finish up and come fast. I'm going now."

As Aryan stood up, Rohan quickly followed suit. "Bhai, I'm coming. Wait up!" he called out, grabbing his bag and hurrying after Aryan.

Karan and Rehaan exchanged relieved glances, grateful for the brief reprieve, and resumed their breakfast with renewed focus, knowing their time was limited. The atmosphere remained warm and lively, filled with the lighthearted banter and familial love that defined the Malhotra household.

As Aryan and Rohan made their way out, Rajendra looked up from his newspaper, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry, Aryan. One day, you'll understand the importance of these morning moments."

Aryan smiled back at his grandfather, appreciating the wisdom in his words, even as he felt the pressure of the day's responsibilities pressing in. "I know, Dadu. I know."

The brothers headed out, their minds already shifting to the day's work ahead. As they climbed into Aryan's sleek black SUV, the conversation continued to flow effortlessly, a testament to the strong bond they shared.

"Rohan, did you finish that report for the new project?" Aryan asked as he started the engine.

"Almost done, Bhai. I'll finalize it as soon as we reach the office," Rohan replied, glancing at his laptop bag.

The drive was filled with a comfortable silence, each brother mentally preparing for the day's challenges.


On the other side of town, in the serene yet equally grand setting of the Mehta mansion, a similar conversation was unfolding. The Mehta family, owners of Mehta Industries, a leading competitor to Malhotra Enterprises, was gathered in their tastefully decorated dining room. The morning light streamed through large windows, illuminating the elegant decor and highlighting the family's luxurious lifestyle.

"Ananya beta," said Sunita Mehta, Ananya’s mother, her tone gentle but firm, "have you thought about what we discussed? You’re in your late twenties now, and it’s important to consider your future."

Ananya Mehta, the eldest daughter and a rising star in the world of finance, was enjoying her breakfast with her family looked up from her plate, her brow slightly furrowed. "Maa, I have thought about it, but I’m not ready for marriage yet. I have my own career to focus on, and there are so many things I want to achieve, and I'm just 28."

Rajesh Mehta, Ananya’s father and the founder of Mehta Industries, nodded thoughtfully. "Ananya, we understand your dedication to your career. It's commendable. But marriage isn't just about timing; it's about finding someone who supports your ambitions and complements your life."

Ananya's younger brother, Arjun, who was home for a brief visit from his studies abroad, chimed in with a teasing smile, "Di, you can't avoid us forever. One day, you'll have to bring someone home for us to meet!"

Priya, Ananya's younger sister, added playfully, "Yes, Di! Imagine having a brother-in-law who can keep up with Dadu's stories."

Their grandfather, Mohan Mehta, affectionately called Dadu, chuckled from his seat at the head of the table. "Ah, finding someone who can appreciate my stories would indeed be a feat!"

Ananya's chachu (paternal uncle), Vikram Mehta, a senior executive in Mehta Industries, leaned forward with a supportive smile. "Ananya, marriage should complement your life, not define it. Take your time, but keep an open heart. You never know when you might meet someone who changes your perspective."

Ananya's chachi (paternal aunt), Renuka Mehta, added warmly, "Absolutely, beta. Your career is blossoming, and we're all so proud of you. The right person will support your dreams and share in your successes."

Ananya's dadi (paternal grandmother), Nirmala Mehta, spoke up gently, "Ananya, dear, we want you to be happy. Whether it's focusing on your career or finding someone special, know that we're here for you."

Amidst the familial support and banter, Ananya's younger cousins, Sameer and Rohit, who were studying at prestigious universities, exchanged amused glances. Sameer grinned mischievously, "Di, when are you going to bring home a jiju (brother-in-law) for us to tease?"

Rohit added with a laugh, "Yeah, Di! We want to see you in wedding mode!"

Ananya laughed along with her family, feeling grateful for their understanding and encouragement. "Alright, alright," she said with a smile, "I hear you all. I promise I won't shut the door on marriage completely."

Sunitha Mehta turned to Ishita Sharma, Ananya's close friend, with a playful glint in her eyes. "Ishita beta, why don't you tell your friend to marry?"

Ishita Sharma, who was sipping her tea, nearly choked at the unexpected question. She recovered quickly, suppressing a cough as she exchanged a surprised glance with Neha Kapoor, Priya's friend who was also present at the table. They both knew Ananya's stance on marriage and found Sunitha's suggestion amusingly abrupt.

Ishita managed a smile, trying to compose herself. "Aunty, you know Ananya. She's focused on her career right now. Marriage is not exactly at the top of her priorities."

Neha Kapoor, always quick-witted, chimed in after regaining her composure. "Yes, aunty. Ananya Dii is all about conquering the finance world. I don't think she's planning to change that anytime soon."

Priya, Ananya's younger sister, giggled at the exchange, finding Ishita and Neha's reactions amusing. "Mom, you can't rush these things. Ishita, Neha, and I have our own timelines," she teased, nudging Neha playfully.

Rajesh Mehta, Ananya's father, joined in the banter with a smile. "Sunitha, let the girls decide their own paths. We've seen how independent and driven Ananya is."

Ananya, who had been quietly enjoying the conversation, interjected with a laugh. "Yes, Mom. Let's not put Ishita and Neha on the spot like this."

Dadu, Mohan Mehta, chuckled heartily at the playful exchange. "Sunitha, let them enjoy their breakfast in peace. Marriage can wait."

Sunitha Mehta laughed good-naturedly, realizing her spontaneity had caused a bit of a stir. "Alright, alright," she conceded, waving a hand in dismissal. "I just thought I'd ask."

After Ananya got up, she turned to Ishita and Neha with a smile. "Girls, enjoy your breakfast. Neha, are you coming?"

Neha, who worked alongside Ananya at Mehta Industries, nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, dii, wait for me!"

Ananya smiled warmly at Neha's eagerness and gestured for her to hurry. As they walked towards the exit, Ishita chimed in, "I'll catch up with you later, Ananya. Got some marketing plans to finalize."

Priya, who was an architect by profession, added with a playful grin, "And I've got some blueprints waiting for my approval!"

Ananya chuckled at their determination and their shared passion for fashion design, a venture they had established together on weekends to pursue their creative interests alongside their corporate roles at Mehta Industries. The quartet made their way out of the dining room, leaving behind the lingering laughter and familial warmth of the Mehta mansion.

As Ananya was about to leave the dining room, her father, Rajesh Mehta, called out to her with a reminder. "Ananya beta, we have a meeting with the Malhotras. Do you remember?"

Ananya paused mid-step, turning back with a nod. "Malhotras... Yes, Dad, I remember. I'll be ready."

Rajesh smiled reassuringly. "Good. It's an important meeting. See you in the office."

Ananya gave a slight wave. "That's why I'm heading out now, Dad. Bye, see you in the office."

After exchanging brief goodbyes, Ananya and Neha made their way outside.

As Ananya and Neha made their way outside the dining room, Ananya turned to Neha with a concerned yet curious expression.

"Hey Neha, how's everything going with the meetings and schedules?" Ananya asked, her voice laced with genuine interest.

Neha, who was Ananya's personal assistant despite coming from a wealthy family,she wanted work with her.she looked up from her tablet and replied promptly, "Everything is on track, Di. I've scheduled the morning meetings with the marketing team, and we have the presentation ready for the client pitch this afternoon."

Ananya smiled, appreciating Neha's efficiency. "Great job, Neha. You're handling everything so well."

Neha smiled back gratefully but then added, "Thank you, Mam."

Ananya raised an eyebrow playfully. "Neha, I've told you before, 'Di' is enough. Why 'Mam'?"

Neha hesitated for a moment before responding earnestly, "Di, in the office environment, you know how it is. It's about maintaining professionalism."

Ananya nodded understandingly. "I get it, Neha. Just remember, despite all that, we're a team. You don't need to hold back."

Neha smiled warmly, reassured by Ananya's words. "Thank you, Di. I appreciate it."

As Ananya and Neha made their way towards the car, Ananya took the driver's seat, adjusting her seatbelt as Neha settled into the passenger side. Ananya glanced over at Neha with a smile.

"Ready to head to the office, Neha?" Ananya asked, starting the car and smoothly pulling out of the driveway of the Mehta mansion.

Neha nodded, checking her tablet one last time to ensure everything was in order. "Yes, Di. Everything is set for the morning meetings and the client pitch this afternoon."

Ananya nodded approvingly. "Good to hear. I'm looking forward to it."

As they drove towards the office, Ananya navigated the familiar streets of Mumbai with ease. The city buzzed with morning activity, but Ananya remained focused on the road, occasionally glancing at Neha to continue their conversation.

"Neha, how are things with Priya and Ishita? Are they ready for today as well?" Ananya inquired, keeping her tone conversational.

Neha smiled, recalling their earlier discussion. "Yes, Di. Priya and Ishita are all set. They're passionate about expanding the boutique line, and they have some exciting ideas."

Ananya nodded thoughtfully. "That's good to hear. They've really taken to the business side of things."

Neha agreed, "Definitely, Di. It's a great way for them to combine their passion for fashion with the family business."

As they approached the office building, Ananya found a parking spot and smoothly pulled into it. She turned off the engine and turned to Neha with a determined look.

"Let's make today count, Neha. We have a lot on our plate, but I know we can handle it," Ananya said with confidence.

Neha nodded, mirroring Ananya's determination. "Absolutely, Di. We've got this."

With that, they both exited the car and headed towards the office entrance, ready to tackle the day's challenges together, supported by their shared commitment and unwavering professionalism.


Hey Guys, that's the end of today's chapter! 🌟

I hope you enjoyed it.

What did you think about Aryan's stance on marriage and his dedication to his career?

Do you resonate with Ananya's commitment to her professional journey amidst familiales expectations?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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Your support means the world to me!❤‍🩹

See you in the next one! ✨

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