Rohan, sitting beside Priya, was equally taken aback. His usually composed demeanor faltered, replaced by a rare moment of uncertainty. "Uncle, Dad, this is... unexpected," he managed to say, his voice tinged with confusion.

The room was thick with tension, each person grappling with the unexpected announcement. Ananya and Aryan remained silent, their shock mirrored in their wide eyes and tight grips on their chairs.

Rajesh, maintaining his calm demeanor despite the tension in the room, spoke with a mixture of authority and understanding. "I know this comes as a surprise," he began, his gaze shifting between Rohan and Priya. "But considering the circumstances and our family's long-standing relationship with the Malhotra’s, we believe this could be a beneficial alliance."

Vikram, seated beside Rajesh, added his perspective with a reassuring tone. "Rohan, Priya," he interjected gently, "we understand this is sudden. But we have faith that you both will come to appreciate each other's qualities and build a strong foundation together."

Arjun, sensing the tension, spoke up in support of his son's potential union. "Rohan, Priya," he said warmly, "we've considered this carefully. Your happiness and the harmony between our families are paramount."

Silence hung in the air as Priya and Rohan exchanged another uncertain glance. The weight of their families' expectations and the suddenness of the proposal seemed to settle heavily upon them.

Just then, Aryan said, "Okay, they were getting married and what does that suppose to mean for our breakup?"

The room erupted into laughter, easing the tension. Ananya and Aryan glanced at each other, confusion evident in their eyes. They exclaimed in unison, "What, guys?"

Rajesh smiled. "Ananya, you are getting engaged on the day of your party to the boy I chose for you," he revealed.

Vikram added, "And Aryan, you also to the girl I chose for you."

Both Aryan and Ananya exclaimed together, "This is ridiculous!"

Rajesh and Vikram continued in unison, "If you meet the boy, you will like him. And if you meet the girl, you will like her."

Aryan and Ananya, frustrated and curious, shouted, "Who the hell are they?"

Rajesh and Vikram finally revealed, "Aryan Malhotra and Ananya Mehta."

The shock and realization settled in, and Ananya couldn't help but laugh. "Ahhh, what..."

Sunitha (Ananya’s mom) and Anjali (Aryan’s mom) stepped forward, smiling. "Yaar, bacho ko daro math tum dono," they said together, trying to ease the tension.(Don't scare the children, you two)

Aryan, still processing, exclaimed, "Why did you make this much drama about our breakup and all?"

Vikram chuckled, "We wanted to ensure you both understood the gravity of the situation and that you truly appreciate each other. Sometimes, a bit of drama helps convey the importance of certain decisions."

Rajesh nodded. "And it seems to have worked, hasn't it? You two are clearly very committed to each other."

Ananya and Aryan exchanged a look of exasperation mixed with relief. The tension in the room began to dissipate as everyone started to understand the true intentions behind the dramatic revelation.

The boys, Karan and Rehan, excitedly exclaimed, "Bhabhi!" They grinned widely, looking at Ananya. "We got two Bhabhi’s!" they continued, laughing.

Neha, Ishita, and Priya joined in, shouting, "Jijuuu!" The room filled with laughter and congratulations.

The entire family gathered around, congratulating Aryan and Ananya. Rajesh then announced, "Ananya and Aryan will be getting engaged in two days at Ananya’s CEO party."

Vikram added, "As for Rohan and Priya, they will have their own time to make their decision."

Karan and Rehan then exclaimed, "Ah, finally, Bhai! Before you turn 30, you're getting engaged!" Their teasing brought another round of laughter, and Aryan couldn't help but smile at his brothers' playful jabs.

"Shut up," Aryan retorted, though his tone was light and amused.

Ananya, still processing everything, turned to her father with a concerned expression. "But Dad, what about the articles and all the rumors about our dating? What are you going to do about that?"

Rajesh smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry,Princess. We'll handle the media. We'll make a formal announcement about your engagement, and that should clear up any misunderstandings."

Vikram nodded in agreement. "We'll ensure that the narrative is controlled. Once the news of your engagement is out, the focus will shift from rumors to the celebration of your union."

Arjun added, "And remember, the truth is on our side. Once people see how happy you both are, any gossip will fade away."

While the elders, including Ananya's parents, Aryan's parents, uncles, aunts, and siblings (Rehan, Karan, Ishita, and Neha), gathered downstairs, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and planning. Meanwhile, upstairs in Ananya's room, Aryan and Ananya were having a private conversation.

In Ananya's Room:

Aryan leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, a small smile playing on his lips. Ananya sat on her bed, looking at Aryan with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Aryan started the conversation, glancing around the room. "Jaan, this room hasn't changed a bit."

Ananya smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the memories. "I guess some things stay the same, even when everything else changes."

Aryan walked over and sat beside her, taking her hand in his. "Can you believe this? We're actually getting engaged."

Ananya sighed, her eyes sparkling with a mix of emotions. "I know, it's surreal. We've been together for so long, but I never thought it would happen like this."

Aryan leaned back, his arm draped around her shoulders. "I know, it's surreal. But it's happening, and it's real."

Ananya leaned into his embrace. "I just hope everything goes smoothly. Our families have put so much effort into this."

Aryan gently lifted her chin, looking into her eyes. "Hey, don't worry. We've been through a lot together. This is just another step in our journey. We'll handle it."

Ananya nodded, feeling reassured. "You're right. It's just... a lot to take in."

Aryan squeezed her hand. "I know, but we'll get through it. Together."

Aryan smiled mischievously, feeling a bit more at ease. "You're right. But Jaan, you're forgetting something."

Ananya raised an eyebrow, curious. "What am I forgetting?"

Ananya playfully pushed him back onto the bed and then sat on his lap, looking into his eyes. Aryan leaned in close, his voice teasing. "The one we were doing in the office yesterday."

Ananya chuckled, swatting his arm lightly. "Shut up," she replied, a hint of laughter in her voice.

"Babe, how many times are you going to say 'shut up'?" Aryan teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I know you want to see my abs. I'll show you, just wait."

Before Aryan could do anything, Ananya interrupted with a laugh. "Oh my God," she exclaimed, leaning in to kiss him. "I love you, you idiot."

Their laughter filled the room, mingling with affection and the easy banter that defined their relationship.


In Priya room

Rohan stood near the window, his hands in his pockets, gazing out at the evening sky. Priya sat on the edge of her bed, her thoughts swirling with the unexpected turn of events. Just then, her phone rang. She picked it up and immediately began scolding the person on the other end, her voice rising with frustration.

Rohan, half-listening to the conversation, thought to himself, "Oh my god, Bhabhi is like on fire and her sister is like a devil." He couldn't help but chuckle softly at the thought. “How can I handle this Devil..?”

Priya ended her call abruptly, turning to find Rohan watching her with amusement. "What?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Rohan replied, trying to stifle his laughter.

Priya sighed, shaking her head. "Listen, I know this is weird. I'm usually an extrovert, but for some reason, my words seem to fail me in front of you. But first, we need to introduce ourselves properly."

Rohan smiled, appreciating her honesty. "You're right. Let's start over." He extended his hand, his expression warm and inviting. "Hi, I'm Rohan Malhotra, CFO of Malhotra Enterprises."

Priya took his hand, her grip firm. "Hi, I'm Priya Mehta, an architect with a passion for creating spaces that tell stories."

Rohan nodded, genuinely interested. "That sounds fascinating. I'd love to hear more about your work."

Priya smiled, feeling more at ease. "I work on a variety of projects, from residential homes to commercial spaces. Each project is a new challenge and an opportunity to create something unique."

Rohan listened attentively, appreciating her enthusiasm. "That's incredible. It's amazing how much thought and creativity goes into designing a space."

Priya's eyes sparkled with excitement. "What about you, Rohan? What's it like being the CFO of such a big company?"

Rohan leaned back, his demeanor thoughtful. "It's challenging but rewarding. I handle the financial operations, making sure everything runs smoothly and strategically planning for the company's growth. It's a lot of responsibility, but I enjoy it."

Priya nodded, impressed. "That sounds like a lot of hard work. It's clear you're dedicated to what you do."

Rohan smiled, feeling a connection forming between them. "Thanks, Devil. And I can see you're equally passionate about your work. It's nice to know we both have that drive."

Priya blinked in surprise, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What...what did you just call me?"

Rohan tried to play it cool, but a mischievous grin was already spreading across his face. "I didn't call you anything."

Priya crossed her arms, not letting it go. "No, I heard you. You called me something. What was it?"

Rohan's grin widened. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. What do you think you heard?"

Priya leaned closer, her eyes challenging. "You called me a devil, didn't you? What are you, Mister Ghost?"

Rohan laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Guilty as charged. But in my defense, you were really on fire during that phone call."

Priya couldn't help but laugh, the tension between them easing. "Okay, Mister Ghost. I guess I can live with that. But just so you know, I prefer being called an architect."

Rohan nodded, still smiling. "Deal, Architect. Let's make a pact: no more surprises. We face whatever comes our way together, as a team."

Priya's smile softened, and she extended her hand once more. "Deal, CFO. Together, as a team."


The atmosphere at the Mehta mansion was lively as everyone gathered for dinner. The dining table was set with an array of dishes, and the chatter of family members filled the room. Despite the earlier tension, the mood had lightened considerably. The Malhotra’s had decided to stay for dinner, adding to the sense of family unity. The grandparents had gone on a short trip, knowing about Aryan and Ananya's engagement plans, which left the younger generation to manage things at home.

As everyone settled down, the doorbell rang, and Tanisha and Manisha, the sisters, walked in. They immediately took in the grand decor of the Mehta residence and exclaimed in unison, "WHERE IS BHABHI?"

A chorus of voices responded, pointing towards Ananya. Tanisha and Manisha made a beeline for her, their excitement palpable.

"Oh my god, Bhabhi!" Tanisha gushed, her eyes wide with admiration. "I’m so into you because of your stylishness and boldness. I’ve been following you on Instagram!"

Manisha nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I love your posts! You have such an amazing sense of style and confidence. I can't believe we’re going to have such an awesome Bhabhi!"

Ananya blushed at the compliments but smiled warmly. "Thank you so much, Tanu, Manu. It's so nice to meet you both. I’ve heard a lot about you from Arya."

Tanisha clapped her hands together in excitement. "Oh, we have so many questions and things to talk about! I can’t wait to get to know you better."

Manisha added, "And we have to take some selfies together for Instagram. Our followers will go crazy!"

Ananya laughed, feeling at ease with her soon-to-be sisters-in-law. "Absolutely! We’ll definitely have to do that."

Aryan, watching the interaction from a distance, couldn't help but smile. He walked over and joined the conversation. "Looks like you’re already stealing the show, Jaan," he teased, wrapping an arm around Ananya.

Vikram, noticing the excited chatter between his daughters and Ananya, called out with a warm smile, "Tanu, Manu, come on. We have to have our dinner peacefully. Don't worry, she's going to be with us, so why are you both rushing?"

Tanisha and Manisha pouted playfully but obediently moved towards the dining table. "Okay, Dad," Tanisha replied, a hint of reluctance in her voice.

Manisha added with a grin, "We just can't help it. We’re excited!"

Vikram chuckled, shaking his head. "I know, I know. But we have plenty of time to get to know each other. Let's enjoy our meal first."

Vikram chuckled, shaking his head. "I know, I know. But we have plenty of time to get to know each other. Let's enjoy our meal first."

As everyone settled around the table, the room filled with the comforting sounds of clinking cutlery and warm conversation. The meal progressed smoothly, with laughter and stories being shared across the table. However, Tanisha and Manisha insisted on sitting with Priya and Ananya, their excitement palpable. They exclaimed, "Priya!" and added, "Bhabhi!"

Rohan choked on his water at their enthusiasm, causing a brief moment of laughter.



Hey Guys, that's the end of today's chapter! 🌟

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